samedi 10 août 2024



It's the 10th of this month and Rachel from "Ten Hour Stitcher" welcomes us and our Fully Finished achievements.

Please visit her blog and see all the finished projects of our stitching friends.

Last week we had our great children with us for three days and Capucine loves some DIY with her Nanny.

It's the moment to pick lavender in the garden and I just saw a cute small doll on Pinterest I wanted to make.

Wood beads for the head and the hands

A cord for the arms

Some ribbon for the dress and a small crocheted hat

Thread, glue and needles

I have also made a new lavender wand, my first with lace I usually use ribbon.

Have you noticed how that post smells good?

Mon article, ce mois-ci, est parfumé à la lavande. C'est le moment de cueillir ces jolis brins et de fabriquer un nouveau fuseau réalisé cette fois pour changer avec de la dentelle.

La petite poupée présentée avant a été faite avec Capucine d'après un modèle vu sur la toile. 

3 commentaires:

  1. Your post did smell good, I love lavender. I haven't seen a lavender wand before, your lavender doll is very cute

  2. What a lovely lavender doll. Mine is not flowering yet but I bought six tiny new plants this year so hopefully will have lots more next Summer.
    Serendipitous Jo

  3. I love lavender and I can actually small this post!
