jeudi 15 août 2024



It's always nice to make gifts, nice too to receive some
and use them in our stitching projects.

It's great and fun to show all this and the perfect place is
on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching on the 15th of each month
for the Gifted Gorgeousness post.


Cadeaux donnés ou reçus, toutes les occasions sont bonnes
pour partager nos coups de coeur et participer au "Gifted Gorgeousness"
de Jo - Serendipitous Stitching.

My cross stitching WIP are now :

The lady with the unicorn - a gift from DD3

Update since the Wipolympics

The wedding heart - pattern gifted by Clare for a gift to my cousins

So focused on miscounting I didn't check the colors chart and stitched all in green! Missing the pink hearts! 

My happy couple now have shoes!

Then I started to stitch with one thread the outlines of wedding suit and dress, hairs, faces, hands and legs.

Wasn't sure at all of how it will turn but I'm glad with the result.

Quelques ajouts de roses dans la guirlande florale, après m'être rendue compte que je m'étais trompée en brodant tout en vert (les coeurs sont sensés être roses !).

Mes mariées ont enfin leurs chaussures ! Puis j'ai commencé les contours brodés avec un fil et je suis contente du résultat.

A new little doll for DD1 birthday made with Capucine

She chose the pink lace ribbon for the dress and as it was a gift from Jo it's counting as a gift received to a gift offered

the lavender Lady

Petite création réalisée avec Capucine puisque la lavande est en fleurs dans le jardin. Elle a choisi ce ruban dentelle rose pour la robe parmi mon stock, comme c'était un cadeau de Jo, ma demoiselle compte comme de cadeau reçu à cadeau donné !

This second one is a gift to me!

I wanted a small ornement made with beads to add to a ribbon used to close something (I can't give you details now!). 

I needed it to be red and I had seen on the net lovely little leaves made on wires. Never used so tiny beads. Not too bad for a first!

My Tour de France n° 6 is a gift for my blogging friends and today is the second post for our fourth stage.

Mon Tour de France n° 6 est un cadeau pour mes amies bloggeuses et aujourd'hui c'est le deuxième article de la quatrième étape !

Mes amies Leonore, Jo, Toki et Clare, amies blogueuses et relations épistolaires ont rejoint le bon département. Reste à découvrir la bonne ville.

Leonore, Jo, Toki and Clare, my blogging friends and in a way, epistolary friends have joined the right department. Still a few days to find the right town!

5 commentaires:

  1. What beautiful stitching! The lady with the unicorn is amazing! The gifts you make for others are pure magic! Such fun to visit your blog! Happy Stitching!

  2. The wedding gift looks great, well done in the recharging. I'm enjoying the Tour but still wandering this week

  3. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I love the lavender dollies, great way to use the lace I sent! I like your green version of the wedding heart too, very sophisticated.
    Serendipitous Jo

  4. Even if you stitched in the wrong color, you added pink flowers and made a nice arch. I have never seen dried flowers arranged and displayed.
    It's wonderful to be able to make a cute doll using the materials chosen by your cute princess capucine and decorate it with dried flowers.

  5. Wonderfull gifts and I am very grateful for the fun that is your Tour de France!
