dimanche 11 août 2024


Département  37    Indre et Loire

The town name is :   Monnaie          sounding like    money

With banknotes, cash, funds...    

Rappel des indices

Some explanations about the clues

Our guide was Miss Money Penny of course
Couldn't be anyone else

Can you believe that when I was looking for a way to make you guess the number 37, I finally found that totalizing the letters of :

CONNERY   7 /  LAZERBY  7  /  MOORE  5  /  DALTON  6  /  BROSNAN  7  / CRAIG   5 

I get 37 letters...   Sometimes chance is with me!


Cette fois, notre guide fût Miss Money Penny. Les lettres composant le nom des six acteurs ayant joué James Bond une fois ajoutées ont donné, quel heureux hasard, le nombre de 37 !

La 2 chevaux Citroën de James,  radicalement différente des Aston Martin et autres Jaguar

Les cerf volants du festival de Dieppe  /  Dieppe kite festival

Des petits billets...  euros, dollars, livres sterling  même des clochettes

Oncle Picsou,  et ses fameux plongeons dans sa piscine

Remember the seventies...  those two records are on my selves

How about a stitched coin purse

If your purse is empty maybe it's time for some chocolate.

Please be back on next Tuesday

A mardi prochain !

5 commentaires:

  1. Great clues - I'll be resting here until we travel again on Tuesday

    1. Glad you liked to stop in Touraine. Don't order Martini, better order a glass of Vouvray!

  2. This one was a toughie! Love all the money art you found, people are so creative!


  3. I really liked the knitted James doll that you introduced me to.
    In Japan, there is also a game of folding banknotes. And I also like ABBA and Pink Floyd.

  4. Like Clare, I added David Niven and got totally lost! Never mind, it’s a new week and a new clue.
    Love all the Bond artwork but the Money Lisa has to be my favourite for this post!
    Serendipitous Jo
