dimanche 1 septembre 2024



Département  06   Alpes Maritimes (bien sûr le n° 6 du feuilleton / in the serie The Prisoner (shot in Portmeirion) is number six).

Lawn tennis was supposed to lead you to grass and Molinard to perfume.

This last picture is a memory to "The persuaders" we named here "Friendly yours" famous in the 70's with two new stars...

The town name is :    Grasse                 sounding like   grass

Rappel des indices  /  Some explanations about the clues

Our guide was Mr  "n° 6"   We were lucky to visit Portmeiron during holidays with friends living in Conwy. DH, big fan of the serie, couldn't believed he was there.

Nous eûmes la chance de visiter Portmeirion durant notre séjour à Conwy au Pays de Galles. DH grand fan de la série n'en croyait pas ses yeux.

Toujours en Provence...        Still visiting Provence

Some cross stitching of grass and plants

At home, in the entrance hall...

The students of the school St Antoine in Grasse working on a sewing project "the legend of Mélusine".

Projet d'Isabelle Chemin avec les élèves de l'école St Antoine de Grasse "la légende de Mélusine" en 2016.

Lot of grass for Holmsey to play in

Que trouve-t-on souvent courant dans l'herbe...    une souris verte

Famous song for kids, a green mouse running in the grass...

Les grandes marques de parfums utilisent la rose de Grasse
ainsi que le jasmin dans leur jus, tels : Estée Lauder, Molinard,
Miss Dior rose essence, 

Famous perfumes used the rose of Grasse in their recipe

I'd love to find my own way to use empty perfume bottles

Dans un grand vent de fleurs,  série de 1996  tournée dans les champs de jasmin et les roseraies de Grasse

Petit clin d'oeil à la...   grasse...  matinée   (lie-in)

Mardi prochain, pas de grasse matinée, nous reprenons la route vers une nouvelle destination. Mais pas très loin, puisque les deux prochaines étapes se passent également dans les Alpes Maritimes.

But no lie-in on next Tuesday morning, cause we'll have a new town to reach. But not too far,  as the two next stages will be in Alpes Maritimes department too.

Please be back on next Tuesday

A mardi prochain !

We are leaving home for some holidays but we should have internet in the rent!
If there is no new post on the blog, then it means we've some problems connecting...

3 commentaires:

  1. What a fragrant post! I think Grasse was one of my guesses! There were a couple of towns I liked the sound of.
    Serendipitous Jo

  2. I was researching Portmeirion in Grasse and found it to be a very interesting town.😊

  3. I love all the grassy, herby projects you dug up for this one!
