dimanche 7 juillet 2019

ETAPE/STEP 5 - 4/4

Le jouet à trouver était :   le jeu de pêche à la ligne
La ville était :  LORIENT dans le département du Morbihan  56

The toy was :    the fishing game
The town was :  LORIENT in Morbihan  56

Clues :  1  -   56 in the water /  Lorient : L'Orient = the East  /  Port Louis bay
Fish, Bretagne "menu" : cider and pancakes, duck.

I remember how tempting was the duck fishing game, a great fun only possible when we went to the fair but now there is a lot of toys and DIY solutions too.

Capucine at the fair of Donnery 

The first unicorn game I ever saw.

I have organized so many fishing games for the kids, with small gifts wrapped in paper

Very popular one when the girls where young.

The game I'm sewing for my grandchilds has now :  fishes, octopus, seahorses, shark, a mermaid, a treasure chest, fishnets.

The rules are simple : at the beginning of the game, values are given to each fish, some can be negative. Players can have some more points playing with a blind fold on, with the left hand (if you're right handed), on one foot, after turning on yourself many times or like the Captain with a hook.  The winner has the highest score.

Les règles du jeu s'étoffent autour de mes nouvelles créations : tous les poissons se voient attribuer une valeur en points qui peut être négative. Les joueurs peuvent obtenir des bonus en pêchant les yeux bandés, avec la main gauche, sur un pied, après plusieurs tours sur soi-même ou comme le Capitaine Crochet. Le gagnant a le meilleur score à la fin de la partie.

How to make a fishing game with frogs !


The next game will be a little more intellectual... see you on Wednesday!
Réveillez vos petites cellules grises pour le prochain jeu, à mercredi !

2 commentaires:

  1. I had thought of this fishing game so often seen at funfairs but thought we had to be looking for something far more difficult

  2. I am so far behind with the clues but I can try catch up with the answers today! We used to enjoy the Hook a Duck game at the funfair too, but I have never seen Hook a Unicorn before! I love the Mermaid and all the things you made for her games too.
