samedi 6 juillet 2019


The people choose is a SAL from Jo - Serendipitous Stitching : each month a new theme.

Here are all the details and links to the stitchers participating :

July theme is  :  finishing

Well, I have so many stitchings which must find a "full finish" way...

Most of them are waiting for a frame, the shop I used to go is closed now and I have had some disappointments with DIY stores. Very ordinary frames, no original ideas and people who don't know to take mesurements.

For a Christmas tree I recently try to frame it myself with cardboard and fabric. It's okay for me and I will probably try again and improve my technic.

Here are some ideas I'd love to make too : wool frame,   hoop  (I have seen lovely ones on Ariadne's blog), cardboard, fabric with charms.

I think Geometry DMC fabric will be great
as a stitched frame too.

Quelques idées vues sur le net ou sur les blogs des copines (comme chez Ariadne)
très envie de cadres en laine, réalisés avec des tambours à broder ou en carton ondulé

L'idée de recyclage est présente également, mes quatre travaux en attente, j'espère pouvoir bientôt leur donner une belle finition.

The spirit of recycling is present too, here are the four recent stitchings I hope I'll be able to work on soon.

I have some bags and pillow : scissor and needles pouches, school bag and poppy cushion
Quelques pochettes et coussins : pour des ciseaux et des aiguilles, pour la rentrée des classes de ma petite fille et un coussin coquelicot.

Bien sûr des ornements de Noël classiques et quelques finitions plus originales...

Classical Chritmas ornements and some less ordinay finishes

I'd love to finish my "la clef de l'énigme" -key of the riddle- as the front of a "shelf-box" with my Agatha Christie books collection!

and still don't know what will happen to the six characters of Christmas I will finish soon;

Speaking of frame, what do you think of this one?

7 commentaires:

  1. You have some great finishings! Funny you mention me for the hoop frames and I didn't even mention them in my blog post! Lol! AriadnefromGreece!

  2. Interesting frames! I really like the inside box lid and the house.

  3. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month. I like the fabric frame you made, that's a technique I would like to try.
    The frames with the paper quilling are lovely too. I like your series of pillow ornaments.
    Is that the fair Jocondine or the Mona Lisa in the final photo? Are they one and the same person?

  4. I'm intrigued by the frame wrapped in in different yarns; I've got a large number of yarn and thread scraps, and that's giving me ideas.

  5. What a beautiful fabric finish! And some great ideas too. I love your last frame!
