dimanche 20 août 2023


If you could add a fragance to this post, it would be lavander!

Our lavander bush hasn't give us big flowers this year but I want to make some braided lavander spindles again. 

Si je pouvais parfumer cet article, ce serait avec de la lavande !
Notre plant ne donne pas de gros épis cette année mais je veux refaire des fuseaux tressés, peut-être deux ou trois avec ma petite récolte.

A small harvest, enough to get two maybe three small one.

Many tutos on the net to show you the process.

Je suis un peu rouillée, donc quelques petites bévues notamment dans le calcul des groupes de brins, 6x4 ne permettant pas de croiser le ruban donc rajout de 4 brins pour retrouver un tressage correct.

Some mistakes as I haven't done this for years (I started with 24 sprigs so 6x4 to braid forgetting I needed an odd number, I managed to reinsert 4 more sprigs).

Those, more generous, from past years.

After adding some small charms

If you want to stitch about lavander, here is a very nice pattern from Cuore e Batticuore.

I hope we'll have the pleasure to go back to Luberon and
bring back soaps, infusion and fragance

taste a lavander ice cream in Isle sur Sorgue, it's delicious and see those very graphic fields

2 commentaires:

  1. I have never seen lavender spindles ever before in my life! I have a very tiny lavender bush here, I had a whole hedge at my old house. I need to grow more!
    Serendipitous Jo

  2. I read your blog while remembering the good scent of lavender.
    I was surprised to learn how to tie lavender flowers beautifully.
    Very very nice.😂
    Thanks for sharing.
