dimanche 27 août 2023



Time to share with Melissa and the Wipocalypse family the projects we want to complete before the end of the world.

On FB or  https://measi.net/

Point de croix / Cross stitching

La dame à la licorne          Some progress on the legs and tail.

Couture  / Sewing

Confection d'une casquette  

Making a cap for the 1st time

Felt  / Feutrine

Guirlande lampes en feutrine
Back on my light bubble felt garlands

Scrapbooking  / Cartonnage

As Capucine is coming this week, my pizza oven will be out for a finish with some more breads or pies.

Au programme de la semaine prochaine avec la visite de Capucine, la finition d'un four à pizza avec la confection de pains et de tartelettes.

Tricot-crochet  /  Knitting

Some hexagons and since my last post about crocheted cats, I have sewed some of them on the squares.

Cinq petits chatons ont déjà rejoint leurs carrés au crochet.

Beads  /  Perles

I have a recent new project about a travel pouch for jewelry and I want to sew some beads on the zippers. No pictures yet but soon...

Je viens de commencer la confection d'une pochette de voyage pour bijoux et compte coudre des perles de rocaille sur les fermetures éclairs. Pas encore de photos mais bientôt certainement...

Gardening  /  Jardinage

Fuseaux de lavande 

Lavander spindles

This month's topic given by Measi: What is your comfort zone regarding the number of projects to have kitted and in progress at any one time?

I stopped counting my WIP long time ago, who counts the stars in the sky?
My current projects are forming constellations...  sewing constellation, stitching c, knitting c...  39 in the northern hemisphere sky! If you don't see some old WIP, it's because they are far away in the Universe (some maybe eaten by a black hole), sometimes it's only of a momentary orbital decay.

So let's be a wise observer of the expansion of the DIY universe with the Wipocalypse post.

2 commentaires:

  1. So many lovely projects you're working on, I just love those cats!

  2. Your unicorn is looking great! I also love the crocheted cats. Your description of your WIPs is so clever and funny too!
    Serendipitous Jo
