mercredi 16 juin 2021


The Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted by Jo from Serendipitous Stitching, on the 15th we share stitching projects for gifts or made with gifts we received.

Here is the link to visit Jo and bloggers :

This month theme will be sea. I collected on Normandy beaches some tiny shells we used last Monday (Capucine got the chicken pox so she couldn't go to school) to make this "wave" ornament.

My main DIY is the sailing boat. Here is the "genesis" of this new crazy project I "embarked" on. I got an idea of a boat in the garden for the kids visiting the kite festival exhibition in Dieppe with this knitted sails.

Je consacre la majorité de mon temps libre à la fabrication de ce bateau fait maison à installer dans le jardin pour les petits enfants. Voici la genèse de cette idée farfelue qui commença lors de la visite du festival de cerf-volants de Dieppe en voyant ces voiles de laine tricotées.

For this sailing boat, I'll need a hull made in fabric. A large strip of cloth folded in two. Every 40 cm I sewed two lines of stitches to put metallic stakes. 

Avec le reste de tissu de l'ancienne pergola je pense pouvoir créer une coque avec une large bande pliée en deux maintenue par des piquets insérés entre deux coutures.

An old  wooden curtain rod as the mast. An anchor made with cardboard, covered with plastic and then with paper towel and a lifebuoy.

Le mât sera fait avec une ancienne tringle à rideaux, l'ancre bricolée avec du carton recouvert de plastique puis de papier sopalin collé.
La bouée de sauvetage est un boudin en collant recouvert de tissu blanc.

I have cut some pennants in a yellow baby sheet and glued them on a string.

We can't technicaly take the sea without appropriate hats, I bought some I'll show you later.  Some are simple tricorns on which I will add feathers, tulle, ribbons.

Confection également de rubans de tulle blanc et rouge foncé pour habiller ce tricorne assez simple.

Now, we are planning a family reunion on June 20th, could be nice to be ready for an official inauguration of the "yacht".

For this navy theme, I'm making some decorations, games and maybe a treasure hunt.

Any ideas for food or ornaments will be welcome!

On the net I have found some DIY, here is what I have already done :

le requin bilboquet
the bilboquet shark

here is mine

WIP : des décorations poissons, some fish ornaments

la longue-vue - a sea telescope

I used to keep "in case" a lot of empty cardboards rolls, all kind of boxes who winked at me "recycle me please in one of your crazy thing". I can answer now to DH (who always asks : but why should you keep this "better in the bin" thing).
To make a telescope of course.

I found a tuto on how to make one you can "open". Here it is :

I might not have enough time to paint them in brown.

Autre en cours de réalisation : la longue-vue marine ou comment utiliser quelques précieux rouleaux de carton prêts pour une transformation inattendue.

Enfin, il m'a semblé qu'un corsaire ne pouvait se présenter sans son compagnon ailé favori, un perroquet s'est donc ajouté sur ma liste. Hier soir, match de foot au programme, parfait pour dessiner un patron, couper de la feutrine et commencer le montage.

Finally, it seemed to me
that a privateer couldn't be presented without its favourite winged companion, so a parrot was added to my list.

Last evening was a football match on TV, perfect for drawing a pattern, cutting some felt and starting the assembly.

The funny thing is that next week
the character I chose for the 6th step
of my Tour de France will be
Sir Francis Haddock famous ancester
of Captain Haddock,
captain of the Unicorn
funny coincidence!

Welcome on board next Tuesday!

So the last work is for him.

Coïncidence amusante, c'est au Chevalier François de Hadoque, capitaine de la Licorne que j'ai confié la sixième étape de mon Tour de France qui débute mardi prochain. Soyez les bienvenus à bord !
Je lui laisse donc le mot de la fin.

5 commentaires:

  1. I just love visiting your blog to see what new creations you have made. Your grandchildren must love visiting you! I love all the elements you've added to make your voyage fun! Happy Sailing!

  2. A wonderful sailing boat idea which the children will adore - the fish ornaments so bright and festive as is the gorgeous parrot in the makings. I like the telescope and the hats will be perfect with your added feathers. A lot of work to acheive before the weekend.

  3. I always enjoy your GG report. Your projects are so varied, creative, and colourful. I love them all.

  4. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. I love those sharks!

  5. The sailing boat is awesome! Everything is so cute and fun!
